Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 5 - Ventilation and Coin Door

Nearly done. Today I drilled some holes in the rear of the cabinet for ventilation, added some 120 MM fans and fan covers I picked up at Microcenter. The top fan will be exhaust and the lower fan air intake with a fine mesh to keep out the dust and cat hair. It's high on the board to line up with the MVS PCB and allow air to circulate upward.
Here is a shot of the completed ventilation:

With a late night cleaning of the coin door that Lonny provided me, I refreshed the mechanics, lubed the joints and tightened the screws. Lastly I placed the door on the cabinet and masked it in, and finally gave it a new coat of paint. There is nothing like functional coin doors to bring the arcade feeling back home. And with that, it was ready enough to bring inside the home.  
And to post the flyer of the sales brochure for an MVS 25-4, which is perfectly appropriate being Fall here in Colorado:

And here below it is my restored Neo-Geo MVS 25-4, in it's new home. A cubby hole, that I use to think as useless space in my house, is a perfect fit for this monolith of arcade culture.

Quarters are lined up.......GAME ON!!!!!

There are some small details to finish off the cabinet, but I figured I can do those inside:
Coin door lights (on order)
refresh reject button springs (on order)
replace all locks (on order)

End of Blog - Geronimo

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